
Collections information on the items used in this website.


Straight-tusked elephant tooth

Roman gold and silver medals and coins

Watercolour – Temple of Venus, Pompeii

Roman floor tile – human footprint

Roman roof tile – dog paw print

Roman coin – Emperor Constantius

Gem stone from a Roman ring

Silver brooch of a running hare

Roman strigil

Roman water pipe

Roman box flue tile

Gouache painting – Earthquake at Ischia

Gouache painting – Aquasus volcano

Drawing – French postilion and his boots

Etching – After Rembrandt

Print – Pescatori

Folkestone fossil pudding

Drawing – Temple of Vesta

Icthyosaur jaw and teeth

Iguanodon dinosaur thigh bone

Gouache painting – The Crater 1883

Gouache painting – Funiculare railway

Gouache painting – Road up Vesuvius

Fossil fish Pachyrhizodus salmoneus

Fossil shark tooth

Mammoth tooth

Dinosaur footprint

Fossil shark vertebrae

Fossil poo

Ammonite bitten by a fish

Newspaper cutting – Earthquake at Ischia

Drawing of a fishing lugger

Print of a bullfight

Drawing of fishermen unloading their catch

Print – Panorama of Rome

Drawing – The Fortune Teller

Watercolour of The Harbour, Naples

Drawing of shrimp fishing

Drawing of Boulogne fisherwomen

Drawing of a beached hulk on the Thames

Drawing of a hulk at Portsmouth

Gouache painting – On the road to Posilipo

Print – Madonna and Child

Print – Coal porter drinking beer

Gouache painting – Vesuvius eruption 1872

Gouache painting – Vesuvius eruption 1868

Gouache painting -Vesuvius eruption

Drawing – Study of a Youth

Drawing – Christ and the Fishermen

Drawing – Illustrations for The Pilgrims Progress

Drawing – Illustrations for Tristram Shandy

Pill or medicine packet from Vienna

Print – Glacier in the Alps

Print – Ascension au Mont Blanc

Print – Mont Blanc massif

Adverting card – Hotel de Cheval Blanc

Scrapbook cover – Journey Views

Print of Naples and Vesuvius

Print of pizza seller

Map of Southern Italy and Sicily

Pill or medicine packet from Vienna

Print – The Leaning Tower of Pisa

Print – Bird’s eye view of Venice

Print of Venice

Print – The Doge’s Palace from the sea, Venice

Ticket to a bullfight

Print – Valetta, Malta

Print – Valetta, Malta

Gouache painting – Several new craters formed

Gouache painting – Naples from the Sea

Print of a gondola, Venice

Drawing of The so-called Temple of Vesta, Rome

Passport – Thomas Man Bridge, Miss Bridge, Miss Bisset. 1843

Passport – Thomas Man Bridge, Miss Bridge, Miss Bisset, 1839

Passport -Thomas Man Bridge, 1836

Print – In Greenland seas is caught the monstrous whale

Vertebra of North Atlantic Right Whale

Cat o’ nine tails whip

Marine sextant

Drawing – Studies of a swan

Drawing of a Roman ox cart

Drawing of the Trajanic frieze on the Arch of Constantine, Rome

Drawing – Studies of men reading

Drawing – A man drawing another asleep

Engraving – Melancholia

Engraving – The Holy Family with a dragonfly

Drawing – Studies of deer with a city beyond

Drawing of Hercules slaying the Hydra

Drawing of St George and the dragon

Drawing of detail from the Expulsion of Heliodurus

Drawing of Roman reliefs on the Arch of Constantine

Oil painting of smugglers

Tobacco twist wrapped in rope

Folkestone Town Council banner

Seal of Folkestone

Life-saving coastguard rocket

Life-line throwing stick

Life-saving rocket instructions

Water colour – Pelter Brig

Ship’s compass