
  • key information on individual objects
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  • presented in bullet-point form.
Maritime A Roman Oxcart F3644_190 P59

Drawing of a Roman ox cart

Master 5c 199 - COLLINS, William - Boulogne Fisherwomen

Drawing of Boulogne fisherwomen

MASTER 7 122 - RAPHAEL - Detail from the 'Expulsion of Heliodorus'

Drawing of detail from the Expulsion of Heliodurus

Master 5a Fishermen unloading their catch F3644_50a P54

Drawing of fishermen unloading their catch

Master 13 57 - SIRANI, Giovanni Andrea - Hercules Slaying the Hydra

Drawing of Hercules slaying the Hydra

Drawing of Roman reliefs on the Arch of Constantine

Master 5d Pegwell Bay shrimp pot lid

Drawing of shrimp fishing

Master 2 George and the dragon F3644_15 P10

Drawing of St George and the dragon

Master 2 F3644_49

Drawing of The so-called Temple of Vesta, Rome