
  • key information on individual objects
  • searchable, browsable database
  • presented in bullet-point form.

Watercolour – Temple of Venus, Pompeii

Cabinets of curiosity 8 F6777.11 Late spider orchid close-up of flower

Watercolour of a bee orchid

Watercolour of Bouverie Shield

Master 5e 63 LA PIRA, Gioacchino - The Harbour, Naples

Watercolour of The Harbour, Naples

Anglo-Saxons 13 F2575b Animal remains - Boar tusk and partial jawbone

Wild boar tusk and jawbone

Cabinets of Curiosity 16 IMG_20200515_103511 William Harvey's pestle and mortar

William Harvey’s pestle and mortar

WW1 11 .F5267_FTC_Death_Penny_FCC

WW1 death penny – George Winter

WW1 6 Flag day flags - front

WW1 penny flags