
  • key information on individual objects
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  • presented in bullet-point form.

Drawing of the Trajanic frieze on the Arch of Constantine, Rome

WW1 10 F5799 Embrodery - Flags of allied nations surmounted by anchor over motto Unity is strength 3.10.16 close-up

Embroidery – Flags of the allied nations

Cabinets of Curiosity 1d F5976_FTC_Decorative_Emu_Egg_Reverse_FCC

Emu egg ornament

Cabinets of Curiosity 1c F5976_FTC_Decorative_Emu_Egg_Front_FCC

Emu egg ornament

Masters 3 175 - DURER, Albrecht - Melancholia

Engraving – Melancholia

Master 2 174 - DURER, Albrecht - Holy Family with Dragonfly

Engraving – The Holy Family with a dragonfly

Master 21 NO NUMBER - LE BRUN, J.B.P. (artrist Rembrandt) - Un Philosophe Scrivant

Etching – After Rembrandt

WW2 9 F6869 Government Evacuation Scheme Letter from the Mayor of Folkestone 1939 (cropped)

Evacuation Scheme letter

WW2 6 F7401.04 School Exam

Exam paper – English and Arithmetic